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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Euphoria of Winning, The Agony of Defeat

I still haven’t shared regarding my Bacolod Triathlon Experience. And I should, considering that its going to be in my top 10 events list for 2008.

1st though, it was indeed a euphoric, happy experience for me.
Winning felt good. I won the championship for the Prepared Entertaining Speech Contest Category for my “The Art of Kissing” speech. I loved how the audience immediately reacted, even at the start when the contest host introduced me & said the title of my speech. And I kept them enthralled all throughout! Nothing beats having the audience in the palm of your hand! I loved having a message, a story to tell. What I learned here is that it helps if you’re passionate about your speech topic, & I did write that speech putting in all my frustrations, dreams and desires about kissing, and the perfect kiss.

I placed 2nd runner-up in the Singing Contest (OPM) category. I really should have chosen a better song than Sarah Geronimo’s “Forever Is Not Enough”. For one thing, it wasn’t a performance song & the lesson here for me is to always think about the audience, that each performance should be something that resonates with them. But to remember also, that it should resonate with me. That song certainly holds no meaning for me now. And I had chosen it simply because I had sang it in the past, so the lesson here also is not to play it safe. As a fan of American Idol, I should have remembered Simon Cowell’s admonition each time: “Song choice, song choice!”

I did not place at all in the 1st contest, the Impromptu Speech Category, which was expected. I had prepared for that quotation though: “If you know where you stand, then you’ll know where you’re going”. So I really could have done better. & to think Grace, past District Impromptu champion said that I had started with a strong opening…I really should have followed it up strong & closed it superbly. The lesson here is for me to practice, practice, and practice table topics. I do not believe I deserve the DTM norm because I have not mastered the art of speaking off the cuff as of yet. But, as Khris often points out, “Do the thing you fear, the death of fear is certain.” So I will definitely answer each Table Topic question I hear in each Toastmaster meeting from hereon.

Still, even with the disappointment of having the title District Champion (it was so easily within my reach!!!)- I’ve been mentally beating myself up over this the past 2 weeks! I shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that I still won though, as 1st runner-up overall in the Triathlon. The 3 impressive Bacolod mask trophies is a pretty visually strong statement, & sure look good amongst my other Toastmasters trophies. So, even if its 1st-runner (again!), I still won! And I did win the guy after all!

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