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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sweating...And Loving It

My heart is pounding...breath coming faster and faster...sweat pouring down my face...I am in the the momentum of this exhilirating, adrenaline-driven body rush....

Nope, I wish I could tell you I was somewhere where the lights are low, the setting is private, with a well-muscled man with me. Well 1 out of 3 aint too bad, especially when its the latter part that's true. And plenty of them in fact. Well-muscled men pumping... not me, but their iron, and the setting is a gym. Yes, I have been exercising these past 2 weeks, and enjoying every minute of it. I haven't been spending my time ogling any of the men though, although in the Club Ultima gym I work out in , there are plenty of them, but I guess I'm not excited to look at men, when I know I don't look my best. After all, I'm in my sweats, hair tied in a ponytail, sans make-up. Not pick-up material at all. Besides, I'm here with a goal: to lose 10 lbs, as well as at least an inch (or two!) of belly fat. What I love about exercise though is the mental rush it gives me: my mind feels so clear, so refreshed and recharged after a work-out. And the psychological factor! Yes, exercise sure does up the endorphins...and endorphins make you happy (remember Legally Blonde!). So these are my top 2 goals for exercise, & getting to a sexier me is really just a 3rd goal or benefit that I'm after. And well, I have to admit, you kind of have to feel confident in your own skin, just in case one gets lucky & needs to shed off one's clothes for a romantic tryst...hmmm.... Go, 1-2-3...Let's get physical!

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